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fifteen and a half years of age: I was studying in the Salesian Seminary
of San Vicente
of the Horts, near the City of Barcelona.
Around the 25th of MARCH, 1933, one of my Seminary companions, DANIEL ARA, of the Province of Huesca, in Aragon, said to me: " RIU, I have something interesting to tell to you: THERE IS A PIOUS BELIEF, THAT WHOEVER PRAYS TWO THOUSAND HAILMARYS ON THE 25TH OF MARCH, THE FEAST OF the INCARNATION Of the SON OF GOD, OBTAINS FROM THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, AT LEAST THREE GRACES. That information was imbedded deeply in my mind, and when the day of the 25th of MARCH arrived, I prayed, with much devotion the TWO THOUSAND HAILMARYS, requesting of the Blessed Virgin Mary, THREE GRACES: TO BE SALESIAN, TO BE A PRIEST, AND TO BE A MISSIONARY…and I confidently awaited in the fulfillment of the promise of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the 16th of July, 1935, after serving in Holy Mass, my companion DANIEL ARA and I, went on a excursion or stroll by the forests and hills, not far from the city of Gerona, where we were doing the Novitiate, in preparation for the RELIGIOUS SALESIAN PROFESSION. Towards the middle of the day, when we reunited with our Superiors, who accompanied us in the excursion, communicated to us the sad news that my companion DANIEL ARA, when trying to jump a brook, lost his balance and fell into the water and drowned. On the 17th, a memorable day, at ten o’clock in the morning we began the spiritual Exercises in preparation for the religious Profession, that took place the 27th of JULY. At that moment, I realized, that the FIRST GRACE requested on the 25 of MARCH, 1933: TO BE SALESIAN was fulfilled. In July 18th, 1936, the Spanish revolution and persecution exploded, in which we had to leave the Seminary running the risk to be captured and assassinated, as it happened with hundreds of thousands. These were hard and difficult years. The Spanish civil war finally ended on the First of APRIL, 1939, with the defeat of Spanish Communists, by the troops of General Franco, we would be able to return to our Religious Houses to continue our studies in preparation for the priesthood. ON THE 15TH OF JUNE, 1946, in the Seminary Chapel of Madrid, I was ordained a priest together with TWENTY SALESIAN COMPANIONS, by the Bishop of MADRID, Mons. Leopoldo Eijo and Garay. The SECOND GRACE, requested on the 25th of MARCH, 1933, had been fulfilled. On the 30th of AUGUST, 1952, I arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to begin my apostolic missionary work in the poorest district of San Juan. And the THIRD GRACE REQUESTED MARCH 25th, 1933, became reality: TO BE A MISSIONARY. After ELEVEN LONG YEARS of missionary work in Puerto Rico, I was invited by Bishop MONS. JOSE FELIX PINTADO, to go to help him in the EASTERN SALESIAN MISSIONS OF ECUADOR, considered like WATERING a DRY TREE, from December 4th, 1964 to the present day, the Blessed VIRGIN Mary had fulfilled her promises. Today, the DEVOTION OF the TWO THOUSAND HAILMARYS has spread to many countries, thanks to the Marian devotion and fervor of the PHILIPPINE PEOPLE. MONS. JUAN RIU FARRAN Taken from http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/rafaelmarie/2000hailmarys.html. Thanks to rafaelmarie. |